Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Unload/Uninstall Trend Micro Office Scan client 10.5

Trend Micro.svg

I wonder why to block the everything instead of trying to grow the culture for trust and reliability and ownership ? I wonder why this freaking Trend Micro's Office Scan to narrow down the accesses ?! I was ok with it untill when they locked access to my external devices which is really essential for me to back all my things up. After couple of google here is the solution I got to Unload(disable) or Uninstall Trend Micro Client where a prompt comes up for a password.

  • Go to the ..\Trend Micro\OfficeScan Client directory. Usually, it would be: 

C:\Program files\Trend Micro\Officescan Client\

  • Locate and open the Ofcscan.ini[this is the file where all the configuration setting for the OfficeScan client is stored ] file using any text editor. You may use notepad to edit. 
  • Find [INI_CLIENT_SECTION] section. 
  • Change the value of the Uninstall_Pwd to 

  • Change the value of the Unload_Pwd to 
  • Save and close the file.
  • Right click on the Officescan client on your system tray then click on Unload Officescan
  • Once it prompts you for the password type trendmicro as the password.
You should be able to see your officescan client on the system disappear. Now you are free from all the blocking imposed by this tool. I can access my external devices... o la la :D

  • If you can't save the Ofscan.ini file [windows 7] open the editor as administrator - right mouse on the editor program and click run as administrator.
  • If Client_Allow_Uninstall / Client_Allow_Unload set to 0 make it 1.
  • If UnloadProtect is set to make it 0.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

My Instant Continuous Integration environment for development

A simplest dev environment for continuous integration for a dev team [considering a php project with mysql db] :
1. Install Visual SVN server - its for windows and easy to install and manage SVN server.
2. Create a post commit hook for the repo; to do that - In the VisualSVN Server GUI Tool:
-Select your repository
-Right click Properties Select the Hooks tab
-Select the Post-commit hook
-Click the Edit button.
-Enter a line like this into the textbox:
c:\program files\visualsvn server\bin\svn.exe" export C:\inetpub\wwwroot\YourWebsite --quiet --non-interactive --force --username youruser --password yourpassword
-Click Ok.
3. Now for the DB Sync follow the steps in the following article : [However, you might need some modification to meet your need]

Surely, You can add more flavor to this environment, like you can add a script to run each day so that it grabs all the commit logs and emails to the test team and/or stack holders or may to the entire team - so that everybody remains better informed.

Hope this will help us a to remain synced in an Agile team.
Those who is not aware of the term Continuous Integration, you can check this wikipedia link