"The Konami Code, known in Japan as the Konami Command(コナミコマンド Konami Komando), is a cheat code that appears in many Konami video games, although the code also appears in some non-Konami games."
To get more information you can check the best of the bests information source wikipedia pages. And to get more interested seeing who else on the web are utilizing this fun way to publish (!!) information please visit : http://konamicodesites.com/ [you have to try the Konami Code to get the list though :| ]
I thought why not I secretly embed my information into whatever I develop. So there came the jQuery solution for it. I basically merged two of the plugins from jQuery.
There are a number of Konami code plugins online - you can grab any of them - But make sure that the one you are trying works for all browser [the browser compatibility as they say :P I found couple of them not compatible to some browsers] . Following are couple of them that you can check :
I thought why not I secretly embed my information into whatever I develop. So there came the jQuery solution for it. I basically merged two of the plugins from jQuery.
There are a number of Konami code plugins online - you can grab any of them - But make sure that the one you are trying works for all browser [the browser compatibility as they say :P I found couple of them not compatible to some browsers] . Following are couple of them that you can check :
- http://www.gethifi.com/blog/konami-code-jquery-plugin-pointlessly-easy
- https://github.com/davidcoallier/jquery-konami
- http://www.trovster.com/lab/plugins/cheat-code/
And then to show up the information nicely I have plugged in the jQuery notification plugin jNotify
BTW, I'm gonna submit my code soon [sorry I don have a clean copy of my work right now :S] Till then stay tuned and help thyself :P